
We are six partners in Erasmus+ project.
1. Open and innovative practices in the digital era:
We have chosen to implement a project on this priority to develop and implement innovative methods in learning and teaching methodologies and pedagogical approaches, especially those delivering key competences and basic skills in media education, language skills, and focusing on the use of ICT. We need to improve the quality of the skills which are recognized as essential at European and national level, and raise awareness of their relevance at school and community level.
2. Promoting empowerment
The media convey information which is most of the times biased in terms of its selection and the way it is expressed. As a consequence there is a tendency towards a mainstream thinking model that doesn’t foster critical thinking skills. In the project we aim at the promotion of an active and critical citizenship capable of solving the problems that may arise from the abundance of information students are constantly bombarded with. Therefore the project activities will target information literacy, which will empower young people and allow them to be active citizens.
3. Promoting quality of youth work:
We have chosen to work on this priority as a result of the increasing mobility within Europe , not only driven by employment choices/conditions but also driven by new possibilities. Assuming that knowledge has neither frontiers nor nationalities, collaborative work is the only way of actually solving problems, not only at European level, but also, by learning with others, at local/community level. Communicative skills, the ability to work in teams respectfully, the capacity to compromise are all fundamental to stenghten and ensure quality of thought and action.