Dec. 2017 1st Transnational meeting in Forte da Casa, Portugal

The European Erasmus+/KA2 project entitled “Young Media Literates of Europe”, in which 6 High schools of Trikala, Sofia, Ajdin, Taranto, Tulchea and Forte da Casa are participates for the years 2017-2019. The project is coordinated by the Italian school Istituto Plateja in Taranto and involves partners from Italy, Turkey, Greece, Portugal, Romania and Bulgaria.
The first transnational meeting was hosted in Forte da Casa, Portugal by the Portuguese school Agrupamento de Escolas do Forte da Casa from 3 to 7 December 2017.
Each school was represented by 3 teachers or management staf
The agenda of the meeting
- planning and organization of the project
- the first educational tasks and activities as well as a cultural awareness program
- questions and decisions between the partners