August 2019 – conclusion The project objectives had as a main key idea the democratization of opportunities not only for the students but also for the communities and locations they learn. It shows the importance of life long learning. In a school where students have increasing problems in finding a relevant meaning for…

June 2019 – Bulgaria

Media literacy for learning in modern times Chocolate game about communication media with Bulgarian students Lecture of "Cyber security threats" Artificial intelligenceLast international meeting - conference: reports, analyzes, conclusionsHigh in Vitosha mountain workshop Lets desing the next step..>

April 2019 – Italy

Second LTT in Taranto, Italy the team Workshop "media literacy" Lesson plans, sport activities, teachers' meeting Aragon castle, museum Marta students were divided in 5 groups to implement top news in short Media records A day in such a beautiful Polignano and Monopoli Trip to Ostuni and Lecce. If there's…

October 2018 – Romania

2nd LLT in Romania Unforgettable memories from 2nd LLT in Romania!   We started with red sweatshirts on blu Erazmus + embroderies ;) Walking to the promenade we came to our G.Moisil Theoretical high school, where so prepared teachers and studens were unpatient to be our hosts, friends and colleagues <3  If…

June 2018 – end of the first project year

Created project web page and social media page where the teachers exchange ideas, information and know-how through the web site of the project Created a project corner in every partner organization on visible place and opened to everybody Prepared presentation - each partner schools shows to each other or to…

April 2018 – Greece

2nd TPM in Trikala The 8th High School of Trikala is ready to welcome the partners The last day in Trikala. Thanks for all Greek friends certificates

March 2018 – Turkey

Aydin meeting - First LTT of the project Learn about Btec - social Medi  Visit to Vodafone Technology Village On wednesday and thursday we were visiting the principle of Directory of Education of Aydın The pupils make friends and debated about media addiction and good and bad news: One bussy…


Dec. 2017 1st Transnational meeting in Forte da Casa, Portugal the team The European Erasmus+/KA2 project entitled “Young Media Literates of Europe”, in which 6 High schools of Trikala, Sofia, Ajdin, Taranto, Tulchea and Forte da Casa are participates  for the years 2017-2019. The project is coordinated by the Italian…

Before beginning

september 2017, The work we've done started with fun and lot of shared experiences. priorities